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Have you met? Mrs. Ohio, Pat Robinson, is in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.,
at the Mrs. International competition this week. Women who are
21 to 55 years old and have been married for at least one year can compete.
They are judged on interviews, physical fitness, evening gowns, and,
most important, their platform. The competition is about family and community,
according to Mrs. Robinson. "Of course they want you to look good,
but It's what you have done to make a difference that counts the most."
Mrs. Robinson's platform is the relationship between mental and physical health.
Mrs. Robinson, a retired teacher, is sponsored by the Boys and Girls Clubs,
the Red Cross, and the American Heart Association. Finals for the
60 contestants are Aug. 17. |
WINNING WAYS: Pat Robinson is
competing for the Mrs. International title. |

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